Following are my detailed medium wave loggings made in Ecuador
between October 27 and November 19, 1997. Equipment used was an
unmodified Sony ICF-2010 receiver and Yaesu YH-77 headphones. For
antennas, I had a Radio Shack clip-on-reel-in short wire antenna
plus my twenty-year old Radio West ferrite loop antenna.
Loggings dated October 27 through November 11 were made in the
city of Cuenca in southern Ecuador. There we stayed in an
apartment complex about 3 kilometers from the city center. The
complex consisted of about 100 apartments in several adjoining
four story buildings. We were in a third-floor apartment. The
complex was surrounded on three sides by residential
neighborhoods (mostly one and two floor homes) and on the fourth
side was flanked by a long narrow park bordering a narrow river.
Generally, it was a very quiet location. The only significant
noise troubles I had were from the kitchen and bathroom
flourescents in our apartment, which my family quickly learned to
avoid using!
Loggings dated November 13 and 14 were made in Guayaquil. There
we were on the second floor of a small five story hotel in the
downtown, two blocks from the main street and about the same
distance from the waterfront. Due to noise and the surrounding
tall buildings, it would not have been a good place to DX from.
For that reason, I did not bother to set up the ferrite loop but
just used the 2010 with the internal antenna. A number of logs of
local Guayaquil stations were made, but no true Dxing was
Loggings dated November 14 through November 19 were made in
Quito, where we finished up our trip after taking care of our
adopted son's U.S. visa requirements in Guayaquil. We stayed in a
small two-floor hostal on a quiet side street just two blocks
from the HCJB studio/office complex. Again, it was a quiet
location and I had no trouble with noise at all. Thanks to Ken
and Polly MacHarg for finding this location for us. I spent
several hours DXIng, mostly in the middle of the night and early
morning. However, I never did make an attempt to log all the
local stations, as I did in Cuenca and Guayaquil.
The loggings use standard DX abbreviations and should be
understood by experienced radio hobbyists. Many station
identifications and other announcements have been transcribed
here. Three questions marks, ???, indicate a word I was unable to
understand. A (word?) in parentheses with a question mark
indicate a word that I am not sure of. Some of these
announcements are "canned" and the identical announcements will
continue to be heard on these stations. Other announcements were
"live" and obviously will vary from time to time and announcer to
announcer. Still, I think a close reading of these announcements
would be useful for anyone interested in knowing more of the
style and wording used in radio station identifications and
announcements. Some announcements include program names. Anyone
interested in slogans, ID texts, and program names as used in
Latin American radio may also want to look at my Ecuadorian
shortwave log.
Besides the IDs and related stuff, many advertisers, particularly
local advertisers are given in the logs. Ecuador was preparing
for elections to be held at the end of November for a Constituent
Assembly to rewrite the Constitution. Therefore, there were many
advertisements for various slates of candidates (over a dozen
slates of four candidates each in Cuenca, for example), plus
generic announcements about the purpose and process of the
election. In many logs I make note of Asamblea Nacional ads, but
made no attempt to record the candidate names.
In a few cases I found new stations not listed in the 1998 World
Radio TV Handbook, or else heard IDs or other information which
conflicts with the 1998 WRTH. In those cases I have included a
note in boldface. I am in no way mean to criticize the WRTH in
doing this, as I know that it is impossible to have a perfect
record of this constantly changing area. Rather, I just want to
point out these differences to Dxers who may need to know them.
A rough count of stations heard is between 200-215. It mostly
depends on how I count the Colombians due to the many network
stations there. On frequencies where there is only one station of
a particular network, it is easy to know just which city is
heard. Where there are two or more stations from the same network
on a frequency, it is not possible unless a local ID or ad is
given (as were in some cases, but not all). If I count only
stations of which I feel certain of the ID, including city, I
logged more Ecuadorians than Colombians - about 93 to 87. On the
other hand, if I count the many frequencies where a Caracol or
RCN outlet was heard, but I don't know just which city on the
frequency it was, then I logged about another ten to fifteen
Colombians. Either way, the Colombians were clearly very dominant
in Ecuador, as they were in western Venezuela on my trip there
three years ago. Even though I heard roughly the same number of
Ecuadorian and Colombian stations, one has to remember that the
Ecuadorian totals include a number of easy local loggings while
all the Colombians were heard at a distance.
Only about ten percent of the total stations heard came from
outside Ecuador and Colombia. Stations logged (either identified
or strongly presumed) from other countries were Peru 7; Venezuela
and Panama 3 each; Cuba 2; and Jamaica, Bonaire, Bahamas, and USA
1 each. Of course, there were some unidentified stations that
appeared to come from these countries as well (Peru, Panama, and
the USA in particular).
Finally, special thanks to Henrik Klemetz, who reviewed and
provided some very useful information to identify or better
identify a number of stations. Such information is credited to
him (or sometimes simply HK). Not noted below is that Henrik also
corrected my Spanish errors and typos, plus provided suggestions
for a number of words that I had had as ??? in my transcribed IDs. In
relistening to my tapes, I found his suggestions to be remarkably
right most of the time.
540 ECUADOR Radio Tropicana, Guayaquil 1158-1202 Boleros,
ID as "Tropicana" Good. (Nov 8) 1105-1108 Pasillos, IDs, slogan
"la musica mas linda del mundo". Ancr also wished "Felicidades a
cada uno de ustedes." Exc. (Nov 14)
550 COLOMBIA Radio Nacional, Manizales 0325-0330 Instr mx
// 570, 580. Fair, mixing w/ Peruvian. (Nov 10)
560 ECUADOR C.R.E., Guayaquil 0148-0151 w/ Ecuadorian
futbol, CRE ID in passing. Ad for Guayaquil store. Fair. (Oct 30)
1120-1123 Ad string, ID, back to nx. Exc (Nov 14)
570 COLOMBIA Radio Nacional, Bogota 0151-0154 History pgm
on independence of USA, // 580. Exc. (Oct 30)
580 COLOMBIA Radio Nacional, Cali 0151-0154 // 570. Good.
(Oct 30)
590 COLOMBIA R@dionet, Medellin 0406-0408 ID, nx // 700
Good. (Nov 1) As Henrik Klemetz has pointed out to me, this
station name is correctly spelled "R@dionet" with the @ (at)
sign. When I had seen it this way before, I had assumed it was a
typical computer error involving an "a" with an accent mark. The
WRTH gets out of the problem all together by abbreviating it
"," which does not exactly indicated the correct name.
600 COLOMBIA Radio Libertad, Barranquilla 0658-0700 Trop
mx, ID w/ call. Fair. (Nov 17)
610 COLOMBIA 6-10 Bolero, Bogota 0340 Presumed w/ Banco de
Colombia ad, mentions Bogota. Good. (Oct 30) 0334-0335 Singing
ID, Bolero mx. Good and on top. (Nov 10) 0700-0701 Mx, ID. Fair,
mixing w/ open carrier of local Emisoras Gran Colombia (Nov 17)
630 COLOMBIA Todelar Manizales 0055-0103 Anmt about
"Gran resumen Todelar de noticias" then ad string, and time
check. Manizales presumed as only Todelar stn here. No local ID.
Poor, but on top. (Oct 31)
630.7 UNID 0337 Strong local-like carrier here. (Nov 10)
640 ECUADOR Radio Morena, Guayaquil 1142-149 Nx & IDs,
mixing w/ Nacional. Banco de Pichincha ads. Fair. (Oct 31) 0654-
0657 Interview, ID, Exc. (Nov 17) Not in WRTH 1998 and Henrik
Klemetz notes that per info in 24 Dec 1997 Radio World,
likely to go off air to give Radio Nacional (below) a clear
channel again.
650 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, Bogota 0315 futbol game, ID, ads.
Exc (Oct 30)
660 COLOMBIA Radio Autentica, Cali 0200-0204 Promo for
evangelical revival, ID in passing as Cadena Radial Autentica.
Poor, but ID on a peak. (Oct 30)
670 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, Medellin 0950 Nx //650, RCN ID.
Good. (Nov 7) 0240 old orchestra mx // 650. Exc. (Nov 10)
680 ECUADOR Emisora Atalaya 1132-1142 Long ad string, incl
"Parque Resedencial Polaris". ID "Atalaya esta presentando...."
and "Levantese, Ecuador, por Atalaya." News by alternating OM
& YL. Program name "Levantese, Ecuador." Fair. (Oct 31) 1925-
1929 Sports pgm "Atalaya Deportiva". Exc. (Nov 13)
690 COLOMBIA Radio Deportes, Bogota 0422 ID, phone-ins, u/
HCJB. (Nov 10) 1998 WRTH now lists this as Radio Recuerdos, which
Henrik Klemetz also says is the ID. According to my notes, I
definitely heard ID as Radio Deportes, but unfortunately, I don’t
have a tape of this one to recheck. My notes may have been
mistaken. Otherwise, my log was a very brief tune-by, so perhaps
I heard some sort of promo announcement for Radio Deportes and
mistook it for an ID in my quickness.
700 COLOMBIA R@dionet, Cali 0345-0350 ID, Colombian nx. //
850. Strong. (Nov 1) 0712-0715 Nx // 590, mixing w/ Sucre. Good
(Nov 17)
710 CUBA Radio Reloj 0942 Cuban nx, Radio Reloj ID, time
check. Fair, but lots of QRM (nov 7)
710.9 Unid 0427 - Weak carrier here. (Nov 10)
720 COLOMBIA Transmisora Quindio, Armenia 0355-0404
Ballads, ID: "Esta es la senal nacional de Transmisora Quindio,
emitida desde Armenia, tierra del cafe en Colombia. HJVO, 720
kHz. Transmisora Quindio, una emisora ??? al pueblo." Anmt from
fire department (Cuerpo de Bomberos) on necessity to quickly call
in case of a fire. Ad for store. Ancr gave name as Luis Antonio
Cardona Gomez. Other ID " en la frecuencia 720, la digital del
occidente colombiano." Promo for upcoming New Year's Eve
programming which would have lots of prizes. Nice, clear signal
with minimal interference. (Nov 10) 0632-0638 Local ad string,
into romantic mx. (Nov 17)
730 COLOMBIA Radio Melodia, Bogota 0629-0632 ID, Spanish
pops, mixing w/ Peruvian. (Nov 17)
740 ECUADOR Radio Melodia, Quito 1124-1128 Good w/ pop mx,
ID: "Sigua con el tiempo, siga con Radio Melodia. Son las seis
horas, 25 minutos...La ciudad ??? y la musica de Radio Melodia,
Canal 7-40..." (Oct 31) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
750 COLOMBIA Caracol Medellin 0322 Colombian nx // 810.
Presumed. Good. (Nov 1)
760 COLOMBIA RCN Barranquilla 0623 Colombian nx // 770.
Good and no sign of local Radio Quito. Unid Spanish rock stn
underneath. (Nov 17)
780 COLOMBIA La Voz del Valle, Cali 0158 Fair, mixing w/
huayno station (apparently a Peruvian). ID: "Desde Cali, somos La
Voz del Valle, HJZG, 780 AM. Otra emisora Todelar. Todelar esta
en todos partes." (Oct 31) 1125 Ballads & ID. Fair & only
stn on frequency. (Nov 11)
790 COLOMBIA Radio Recuerdos, Medellin 0933-0938 Presumed
w/ Colombian nx and anmts mixing w/ country mx from SCN. (Nov
791 UNID 0930-0933 ID sounding like "Radio Sucre" then
into psychology pgm. Poor. (Nov 7)
800 BONAIRE Trans World Radio 0301 Presumed the one w/
English rel pgm. Fair, on top. (Oct 30)
810 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Bogota 0302 futbol game, //
820. Exc. (Oct 30)
820 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Cali 0304 futbol game, //
810. Weak w/ QRM. (Oct 30) 0613-0616 Caracol pgm // 810 under the
open carrier. (Nov 17) UNID Strong open
carrier at 0613. (Nov 17)'
830 COLOMBIA Radio Deportes, Medellin 0311-0315 Presumed
w/ Caracol IDs, nx, Cafe Superior ad. Fair. (Nov 1)
840 COLOMBIA HJ Doble K, Neiva 0345-0351 Ranchera mx, ID
"Más música en HJ Doble K". Fair. (Oct 30)
860 ECUADOR Radio Vision, Quito - Carrier only at 1432
(Nov 16) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17) 0055-0110 Various health-related
anmts. Promo for bullfights at coming Fiesta de Quito. OM ID
& program intro: "... ahora Vision AM le brinda la
posibilidad de anunciar en ‘Clasificados'". Then YL & OM
alternating reading classified ads. Then YL ID "Vision 860 AM.
Todo corazon."(Nov 19)
870 ECUADOR Radio Cristal, Guayaquil 1154 ID at tune-in,
into comunicados. Exc. (Nov 14)
880 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Bucarmanga 0210 Caracol nx
// 810. Poor. (Oct 31)
890 COLOMBIA Todelar Bogota/Radio Continental, Bogota
0408-0410 Todelar nx, net ID. Good. (Nov 1)
900 COLOMBIA Todelar Cali/La Voz de Cali 0410-0412 Todelar
nx // 890 kHz. Fair u/ local Radio Carrousel, which shows how
weakly this local stn was received at night! (Nov 1)
910 COLOMBIA Todelar Medellin/La Voz de Rio Grande,
Medellin 0300 Todelar net/local ID noted in jumble of stations.
Very poor. (Nov 1)
920 COLOMBIA Ondas del Mayo, Pasto 1158 Caught the
beginning of a canned ID just before the local 900 kHz station
came on and blew them away. "1972, 1997. Mas de cumplir 25 anos
de vida radial, es la satisfaccion de haber cumplido con nuestro
esfuerzo al pueblo narinense. Ondas del Mayo es su emisora." (Nov
920.2 COLOMBIA Emisora Fuentes, Cartagena 0250-0253 ID at
tune-in, then political nx of Cartagena. Fair. (Nov 1)
930 COLOMBIA La Voz de Bogota 0303 ID "La Voz de Bogota es
Todelar" then into soft vocal mx. Poor. (Nov 1)
940 COLOMBIA Radio Calima 0256 end of health pgm
"Noticiero de la Salud" then local ID and net ID: Todelar, Cadena
Nacional. Desde Cali, somos Radio Calima, HJGB, 940 AM. Otra
emisora Todelar. Todelar esta en todos partes." (Nov 1) 0718-0721
IDs, trop mx. (Nov 17)
950 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Pereira 0212 Caracol nx //
880, 810. Fair. (Oct 31) 0255-0256 Caracol nx & net IDs.
Poor. (Nov 1)
960 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Magangue 0413-0415 Nx &
ID // 810. Weak u/ open carrier of local Cuenca stn. (Nov 1)
970 COLOMBIA Radio Super, Bogota 0725-0728 Trop mx, ID,
salute to bomberos (firemen). Good. (Nov 17)
980 COLOMBIA RCN Cali 0415-0424 Net nx pgm, ID: "A todas
las horas, RCN. Colombiana, el sabor de Colombia." Good. // 770,
990 (Nov 1) Henrik Klemetz notes that Colombiana is the name of a
soft drink brand.
990 COLOMBIA RCN Medellin 0415-0424 // 980 as I switched
between the two. Caught the local ID on this one at 0424: "En
Antioquia, HJDB, 990 kilohertz, RCN Medellin... La primera cadena
de radio de Colombia, la radio grande de las Americas" Fair. (Nov
998.6 UNID 0421 Strong open carrier obliterating 1000 kHz.
(Nov 1)
1000 COLOMBIA RCN Cartagena 0302 "Radio Sucesos RCN" ID
heard in heavily QRMed mess. (Nov 10) 0730 RCN ID, mention of BBC
de Londres. Good (Nov 17) Henrik Klemetz notes that this was
probably part of a program relay of the BBC.
1010 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Neiva 0425-0427 Caracol nx
// 810. Fair.(Nov 1) Tnx Henrik Klemetz for assistance here.
1020 COLOMBIA RCN Periera 0226 Presumed the one w/ RCN ID
u/ pasillos stn. Weak. (Nov 1) Confirmed by HK.
1030 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, Cali 0252-0254 Net ID & ads.
Fair. (Nov 10)
1040 COLOMBIA Colmundo, city? 0206-0209 Good w/ pop mx
& ID "Colmundo en fin de ano con (????)" Good. Most Cuenca
stns, incl Splendid, off early this Sunday evening. (Nov 10)
0732-0733 Rel pops // 620. Fair. Pasto or Bogota? (Nov 17)
1050 COLOMBIA RCN/Antena Dos, Espinal 0233-0235 Presumed
the one w/ RCN ID & ad for electrical store. (Nov 1)
1060 COLOMBIA RCN 0435 Nx pgm // 770. Good & dominant.
Assume the Manizales site. (Nov 10) 0734-0738 RCN nx // 770 then
into Radio Netherlands pgm beginning w/ nx summary. Also noted //
980, 990, 1000. (Nov 17)
1070 COLOMBIA Radio Santa Fe 0428-0432 Trop mx, ID: "En
Santa Fe, la musica no para." (Nov 1)
1080 COLOMBIA Radio Reloj, Medellin 0502 ID as "Radio
Reloj, su emisora de todas las horas." Good in LSB to avoid het
from 1080.3. (Nov 10) 1998 WRTH lists name as Caracol.
1080.3 UNID 0425-0440 Pasillos & IDs as "Sistema de
Oro". Rechecked at 0500, but no other top of hour ID. Fair. (Nov
10) Suspect this is Radio Contacto de Manta, as only other
Ecuadorian on 1080 is Radio Latacunga, a popular-oriented
religious station, and the programming does not fit this sort of
1089.9 ECUADOR Radio Fe y Alegria 1458-1503 Ad for
Asamblea Nacional elections. ID "En Radio IRFEYAL, del Instituto
Radiofonica Fe y Alegria, la educacion y la cultura van de la
mano." Then ad for Mutualista Pichincha (a house-building
company). Exc. (Nov 16) Tnx HK for correction on IRFEYAL.
1090 COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia 0433-0437 Nx // 810 poor u/
unid trop mx stn. Two Caracol outlets listed. (Nov 1) 0741-0742
Nx // 810 weak mixing w/ a weaker trop mx stn. (Nov 17)
1110 COLOMBIA RCN Villavicencio 0437-0440 Nx // 770 mixing
w/ other unid Colombian. Site presumed as only one listed. (Nov
1110.2 ECUADOR Hoy la Radio, Quito 1442-1448 English pop
mx, simple "Hoy, la Radio" canned ID. Exc. (Nov 16) Strong open
carrier at 0743 (Nov 17)
1120 COLOMBIA Caracol Colomba, Tunja 0440 Caracol nx //
810. Site presumed. Fair. (Nov 1)
1130 COLOMBIA Radio K, Bogota 0103 Trop mx, ID. Fair &
on top. (Nov 1)
1140 COLOMBIA Radio Paisa, Medellin 0303 Two IDs picked
out in mess of 4-5 stations. One of the others was a Caracol
outlet. (Nov 10) 0802-0804 RCN ID, then promo for "Rumba Estereo"
pgm. Slogan "La radio que quiere los antioquenos" followed by
song about Radio Paisa. (Nov 17)
1140.6 ECUADOR Radio Condor, Guayaquil 1920-1924 Presumed
w/ evangelical pgm. Exc. (Nov 13) Not on at 1115 (Nov 14) HK
confirms they are on this split.
1150 COLOMBIA Caracol, Armenia 0802 Net ID in jumble of
stations. Site presumed. (Nov 17)
1150.3 COLOMBIA Radio Neiva 0442-0446 Apparently the one
w/ RCN nx // 770 kHz. Fair, but fading up and down a lot. (Nov
1160 COLOMBIA Ecos del Colombia, Bogota 0745-0750 Relgious
pgm w/ list of meetings, some at the "Iglesia Pentecostal Dios de
Amor". Another at a building across from the Catholic university.
Good signal. (Nov 17) Logged as unidentified, but HK notes that
the church has hired the facilities of Ecos del Colombia.
1170 COLOMBIA Radio Nutibara, Medellin 0445-0450 Romantic
mx, ID. Fair in multi-station pile-up. (Nov 10)
1179.9 ECUADOR Nueva Emisora Central, Quito 1448-1458 Ad
string, futbol promo w/ ID. Exc. (Nov 16)
1180 COLOMBIA Caracol Manizales 0447-0452 Caracol nx //
810. Site presumed. Fair, mixing w/ QRM. (Nov 1)
1190 COLOMBIA Ondas del Valle, Cartago 0204 Weak ID hrd in
jumble. (Nov 1) 0753-0755 Cumbia, ID, TC. (Nov 17)
1199.9 COLOMBIA Radio Super de Cali 0233-0236 Ranchera mx,
anmts w/ several IDs. "...en Radio Super de Cali, las canciones
populares a su gusto a esta hora de Radio Super de Cali." Also,
"Aqui la mejor de la noche." Ancr went on to give program details
mentioning Luis Eduardo Silva y su espacio Buenos Dias Colombia'"
Ancr gave his own name as Carlos Alberto (Mann?) Good and on top.
(Nov 10)
1200 ECUADOR Radio El Mercurio 0512 not on (Nov 1) 1906-
1910 Trop mx, ID "Radio El Mercurio de Cuenca, la grata compania
de todos los buenos momentos." Then into pgm "Infinitos en el
Tiempo" of old romantic mx. Theme anmt was played to a background
of a very scratchy old pasillo album. First song was an almost as
scratchy tune from 1948. Scratchy records aside, exc signal. (Nov
8) Not on at 0210 (Nov 10)
1210 COLOMBIA R@dionet, Neiva 0450-0452 Nx and ID // 700.
Poor. (Nov 10)
1220 COLOMBIA La Vallenata 0220-0233 "... La Vallenata
presentamos Vallenatos a la Carta' ... En el (fast phone number
ending in 36 12) ??? su vallenato favorito. Vallenatos a la
Carta' en La Vallenata 1220." Poor, mixing with several other
stations. (Nov 10) 0756 ID in jumble of stations (Nov 17)
1230 COLOMBIA Radio Calidad 0210-0212 End of ballad, then
OM w/ anmt "La nueve y once minutos en Radio Calidad de RCN." Ad
for Jugos Hit. Other ID: "Radio Calidad, la reina de la musica
??? popular." Into other ballad. Fair and on top of frequency.
(Nov 10) 0805-0808 Promo for La Feria de Cali coverage on RCN "la
radio de la feria". Ads. Promo for "El Camino de Belen" Christmas
pgm on Radio Calidad. Several IDs mixed in w/ anmts. Into
ranchera. (Nov 17)
1250 COLOMBIA Radio Capital, Bogota 0452 ID "Radio
Capital, la emisora de todos." Exc. (Nov 10)
1260 COLOMBIA Radio Deportes, Cali 0127-0130 Local and net
ID, ad string. Tough copy with lots of local splatter. (Nov
1270 COLOMBIA R@dionet, Bucaramanga 0757-0800 Ads, ID,
into nx. Good. (Nov 17)
1280 COLOMBIA, RCN, site unknown. 0931 RCN nx // 770,
1290.4. No RCN station listed on this frequency. (Nov 8) HK
likewise knows of no RCN station here.
1290 ECUADOR La Voz del Rio Tarqui, Cuenca 2310-2311 Nx
(Oct 29) 0118-0203 Mix of tropical mx, pops and pasillos, two
live ancrs w/ various anmts incl mentions of both MW & SW
frequencies. Slogan ID: "... ya estoy nuevamente con ustedes a
traves de ??? y el poder de la super estacion rockolera 12-90,
con muchisismo gusto..." Lots of mentions of "la super estacion
rockolera" some song dedications, a few voice-over IDs as
"Tarqui, numero uno" voice-over ID. Ads incl Commercial
Vientimilla, assembly candidate, upcoming bullfight, Aguardiente
Zhumir (Thanks to Henrik Klemetz' book for spelling of that),
Productos Naturales Madre Selva, and Imprenta y Papeleria
Monterrey. Gave temp as 26 degrees Centigrade, which must have
been in the studio. It rarely got that warm outside at noon, let
alone at 8:30 p.m.! Exc signal, but bothered by a het from some
off-frequency station. (Oct 29) 0512 - noted on in passing (Nov
1) 0925-0930 ID: "...contento y feliz con el despertador musical
de La Voz del Rio Tarqui, la radioque llega a su ??? puede llegar
- al corazon del pueblo ecuatoriano." Then TC, ID with both MW
and SW frequencies. Exc. (Nov 7) Not on at 0210 (Nov 10)
1290.4 COLOMBIA, RCN, site unsure 0926-0931 RCN nx. Fair
with Tarqui not on. (Nov 8) 0813-0815 // 770 w/ Glenn Hauser DX
nx. (Nov 17) I assumed this was Girardot, but HK says that RCN
Garagoa is also on the same split frequency.
1299.8 ECUADOR Radio La Paz, Guaranda 1018-1046 Came on
sometime around 1005-1015, as I had been checking this off-
frequency before. Mix of Spanish and Quechua. Some sample anmts:
"Bienvenidos, y el saludo de ???, ??? en esta manana, bastante
fria, pero con muchas ganas de trabajar, y ponerles de (animo?).
La buena musica, el buen sabor, y buen calor y la buena
imaginacion para que ustedes en este dia (long unclear sentence
that seemed to contain mostly Quichua phrases)... y pensando
siempre para vivir con sus derechos en adelante. Buen dia,
Ecuador. Buenos dias a ustedes..." Mention of "nuestra provincia
de Bolivar." Lots of mentions of Bolivar province and greetings
to listeners in San Miguel de Bolivar. Also announced "Aqui en La
Paz" and "Aqui en el centro del pais." Also mentions of Guaranda.
Ancr gave names of personnel present, but only one semi-clear was
the engineer, Victor Hugo ???quez. Blown away by splatter from La
Voz del Rio Tarqui signing-on. (Nov 8) Not listed in 1998 WRTH.
IDed with help of Henrik Klemetz who says it is on an Ecuadorian
station list sent to him by Rich McVicar..
1300 COLOMBIA Caracol Unid 0936 Anmt hrd about pgm
"Colombia Universal" (which HK notes is Caracol’s Saturday night
program) amIDst heavy QRM. (Nov 8) 0943 Caracol nx // 810 mixing
w/ other stations. (Nov 8)
1310 COLOMBIA Caracol Unid 1010 Caracol net ID hrd u/
Biblian station. Very poor. (Nov 8)
1310.2 ECUADOR Radio Nacional Espejo, Quito 1247-1317 Folk
mx, ads for Asamblea Nacional candidates. Into sports at 1302 w/
ID. Good strong local signal, but somewhat distorted. (Nov
1319.9 ECUADOR Radio Continental, Ambato 1117-1119 ID,
then into "El Noticiero Popular, La Voz del Pueblo" news program,
"... como la voz del pueblo es la voz del Dios.". Fair. Had been
followng the frequency off and on for the previous 45 minutes and
had heard mostly Ecuadorian folk music. (Nov 8)
1320 COLOMBIA Radio Uno, Girardot 0057 Two "Radio Uno" IDs
and talk. Poor and soon lost. (Nov 1)
1330 COLOMBIA Caracol, city? 1035 Nx, net ID under other
Colombian stn. Popayan or San Gil? (Nov 7) HK notes this probably
1330.2 ECUADOR Radio Scala, Cuenca 1330 Not on (Oct 31)
0512 - not on (Nov 1) 2006 Noted with very scratchy audio. Very
odd, it sounded like an old LP record, however the scratchiness
was there even during obviously live anmts. (Nov 8) 2043-2046
Same scratchy audio w/ folk mx and ID. (Nov 8) Not on at 2308
(Nov 9) Not on at 1114 (Nov 11)
1340 COLOMBIA Radio Uno 0239-0245 Trop mx, futbol scores,
ID. Good. (Oct 30)
1350 COLOMBIA Ondas de la Montana, Medellin 0100 Top of
hour ID caught in jumble of several stns. (Nov 1)
1360 ECUADOR Radio Oyambaro, Tumbaco 1035-1046 OM anmts,
folk mx, ad for Farmacia Popular in Tumbaco & other mentions
of Tumbaco. No ID. Very poor. (Nov 11) 1206-1208 Anmt about live
pgm to be broadcast next Saturday, ID, more anmts w/ mention of
Tumbaco. Despite being almost local (the stn is located near the
HCJB transmitter site), reception was poor due to heavy splatter
from a very dirty Radio Cristal on 1380. (Nov 16) 1245-1255 Now,
barely a half-hour later, exc signal. Perhaps were using low
power earlier? Ads for "Las Fiestas de Radio Oyambaro 97" and
Autopartes Tumbaco ("bajos de Radio Oyambaro"). YL w/ time, then
into pasillos. More ads incl Farmacia Popular, a local doctor,
and a Asamblea Nacional candidate. (Nov 16)
1370 ECUADOR Radio El Rocio, Biblian 0245-0253 Presumed w/
trop mx, ad string mentioning "aqui en Biblian". (Oct 30) 2353-
2402 w/ ID, ad string, commentary "El Poder Mágico de la
Fé" (Oct 30) 0245-0253 Presumed w/ ad string incl anmt
"aqui en Biblian" and trop mx.Good. (Oct 30) 1756-1810 ID: "Radio
El Rocio de la ciudad de Biblian" Pgm "Microfono Deportivo" w/
ancr Patricio Castillo. "El Rocio presento microfono deportivo"
Pgm promo for upcoming drama "Navidad Para un Nino Pobre". Banco
del Progreso ad. (Nov 2) 0457-0459 ID and trop mx. Exc. Not on
when I tuned back at 0504. (Nov 10)
1379.8 UNID 1032 Station w/ agricultural info. Tough in
LSB w/ heavy het from 1380. (Nov 7)
1380 COLOMBIA RCN, ??? 0028 RCN net IDs noted under heavy
QRM. Probably Tunja. (Nov 1)
1389.9 ECUADOR Radio Tropicana 1356-1410 At tune-in ended
a set of pasillos by Cuenca musicians. Anmt that this was in
homage to Cuenca during the fiesta. Exc signal but announcer
mumbled a lot. ID: "Esta es Radio Tropicana de Cuenca en los 1390
kilociclos ??? ??? la mejor musica bailable en este dia, 3 de
noviembre." Ad string, incl one for a man who makes things from
marble - statues, floors, mausoleums, etc were listed. Also
Bloqueria Miraflores, a furniture workshop, Fabrica de ???
Rocafuerte (another tombstone/mausoleum company!) , Fabrica de
Bloques San Pablo, Polleria La Fogata, a lawyer, and Muebleria
Ochoa. Then anmt about the glories of Cuenca w/ a pasillo
background. Into trop mx. (Nov 3) 1447-1530 Despite name, pgm of
"musica de recuerdo" or old romantic mx. Ads incl Comercial San
Andres, Concopi, a papeleria, "Comercial San Martin, iluminando
su vida," and Fabrica de Jean J.M. YL w/ simple "Tropicana" IDs.
Good but overmodulated. (Nov 6) 1447-1505 Overmodulated signal w/
long ad string incl Comercial San Andres, Concopi, a papeleria,
"Comercial San Martin, iluminando su vida," Talleres Castro, and
Fabrica de Jeans J.M. YL w/ ID "Espero que usted esta pasando muy
bien en compania de Tropicana." Then musica de recuerdo. Good.
(Nov 6) Not on at 1922 and 2007 (Nov 8) Not on at 2308 (Nov 9)
Not on at 0210 (Nov 10) Not on at 1114 (Nov 11)
1390 COLOMBIA Radio Avenida, Espinal 0145-0153 Tropical
mx, ID "Radio Avenida, la primera ???, ??? musica de fin del
ano." Heavy het on frequency made tough copy. (Nov 8)
1390.3 ECUADOR Unid 1105 Ecuadorian music. Anmts
mentioning Cayambe. Then nx mentioning Cajabamba and El Oro
province. Very poor with heavy QRM. Maybe Radio Uno of Urcuqui,
which isn't too far from Cayambe.(Nov 8)
1400 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, various locations 1014-1031 RCN
nx from two or more stns w/ echo effect. Several Antena Dos
outlets listed here. Nx ended & stations went into individual
pgm. One had an ad which may have mentioned Calarca (one listed
location) before going into ranchera mx. All poor with heavy QRM.
(Nov 7)
1400.5 COLOMBIA Caracol Velez 1012 carrier (Nov 7) 1107 -
1120 Promo for Caracol nx then long talk of apparent local item.
May have mentioned Pasto. Definite mention of Ibarra in northern
Ecuador and info about "salida de vehiculos ecuatorianos" (Nov 7)
0203-0208 Caracol nx amIDst heavy QRM. (Nov 8) Open carrier at
0820 (Nov 17) Logged as undentified, but HK points out it is
Caracol Velez. Also logged by me in Venezuela in 1995, had I
1409.8 ECUADOR Radio Centro, Gualaceo 2028-2050 &
2108-2115 Spanish pop mx, nonstop except for IDs at 2030, 2048,
2112. At 2112 switched to tropical mx and said that tropical
would continue until 6 p.m. local (2300 UTC). Only fair, despite
being almost local. (Nov 8)
1410 ECUADOR Radio El Tiempo, Quito - Not on at 1249 (Nov
1420 COLOMBIA Caracol Manizales 0556-0602 Romantic mx.
Local ancr w/ time "en Carcol Manizales" then canned ID: "Esta es
Caracol Manizales, 1420 AM. Emisora de la primera Cadena Radial
Colombiana. Caracol. Mas compania." Social services anmt. Switch
to main network with Caracol net ID and into net nx. Good &
clear except for a very weak English station in the background,
probably Southern Command Network, Panama and a very weak second
Caracol station (Santa Marta?) on frequency that was running
slightly behind on the network hookup and caused an echo effect
once they switched to network news. (Nov 17) HK agrees that
second station was Santa Marta.
1430 ECUADOR Radio Guaranda 1045-1100 Ecuadorian folk mx,
local nx & anmts. IDs as "Guaranda, su radio." Fair. (Nov
1440.2 ECUADOR Ondas del Volante, Azogues 1856-1910 Trop
mx. TC: "Volante AM le informe la hora, catorce horas, zero
minutos." Ad string, incl Cooperativa de Transportes Centinela,
Vidrieria Americana, and Talleres Gonzalez. Greetings from local
taxi drivers union to nearby community celebrating its saint's
day. Other ID "En estas fiestas de noviembre, sigue disfrutando
de la mejor musica tropical. Somos Volante AM. Good. (Nov 2)
1415-1505 Span pop mx. Anmts "Volante AM informa la hora". Other
anmts "Tu sueno, lleno de emociones, Volante AM." At 1450, nx,
temperture, and various ads incl Libreria y Papeleria El Rocio in
Biblian. Good. (Nov 6) 2235 Pops, ID, good signal. (Nov 9) Open
carrier at 0818 (Nov 17)
1449.9 UNID 0855 Strong carrier, no audio. (Nov 15)
1450 COLOMBIA Antena 2, Manizales 0003-0007 End of nx, net
ID for "Noticiero Deportivo Nacional en Antena Dos", into trop
mx. Site presumed. Fair during brief stay on top of congested
frequency. (Nov 1) 2236 Presumed the one w/ ads for Manizales
stores. Fair. (Nov 9)
1459.8 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, Pasto 2343-2350 Net ID &
local anmts w/ mentions of Pasto under a religious station.
Complete local ID at 2358. Poor w/ heavy QRM. (Oct 31) 1150
Presumed w/ ad for store in Pasto. Fair. (Nov 11) 1204-1206
Assumedly same stn w/ anmts about Colombian folk mx before fading
into the QRM. (Nov 16)
1460 COLOMBIA Emisora Nuevo Continente 0602-0605 Singing
ID at tune-in: "Esta es la emisora lleva el mensaje de amor.
Siempre va contigo, esta en tu corazon. Nuevo Continente, la
alternativa diferente." Then into prayer. Good. (Nov 17)
1470 COLOMBIA Unid 2337 Caracol net ID hrd amIDst mix of
several stations. (Oct 31)
1480 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, Bucaramanga 2329 ID at tune-in:
"...1480 kilohertz, desde Bucaramanga, Antena Dos, todo por
satelite." Very poor in jumble. (Oct 31) 0840-0845 Presumed the
one w/ Sp pops, Antena Dos network ID. Fair. (Nov 15)
1480.5 ECUADOR Unid 1225-1235 OM anmts, nx, time check, ad
for concert by a pasillo group. Net ID mentioning several
stations at 1232, incl Radio Cristal de ??? and Radio Union de
Esmeraldas, but no name sounded close to anything listed for
1480. Poor and fading down. (Nov 16)
1490 ECUADOR Radio Santa Maria, Azogues 1456-1510 Mix of
trop mx and pasillos. Anmt about glories of Azogues in this time
of fiesta. Filanbanco ad. Fair, but quite a growl on the
frequency today. (Nov 3) 1510-1530 Filanbanco ad, ID at 1514:
"Esta es Radio Santa Maria, 1490 kilohertz, estereo digital, voz
y mensaje del Santuario de Nuestra Senora de la Nube en Azogues,
Ecuador." Nice jingle of "Santa Maria". Then pgm anmt "Con la
imaginacion creadora de la belleza ???, Radio Santa Maria estereo
digital presenta... Fantasia Musical con el ??? de la musica
romantica de ayer y hoy que vive por siempre en nuestra corazon,"
and into pgm of romantic mx. Other anmt "Los jueves son para
recordar." Ads for "Centro Medico Naturista La Primavera," Banco
Austral, and "El Surtidor, su almacen musical." (Nov 6)
1500 COLOMBIA La Voz de la Feria, Manizales 0258 ID noted
in jumble of stations. Vpr. (Oct 30)
1510 COLOMBIA Radio Estrella, Armenia 2323-2327 Presumed
the one w/ Colmundo net nx briefly on top. (Oct 31)
1520 COLOMBIA Ecos del Palmar 0220-0236 Trop mx, ID "La
rumba para gozar sigue en Ecos del Palmar". Good & on top.
(Oct 30) 2314 ID in passing "Ya esta en Ecos del Palmar, la
música de diciembre." (Oct 30) 1140-1156 Religious pgm "La
Biblia en las Noticias" Finally ID at 1156. Had been hoping for
something else. (Nov 11) 1159 ID noted in passing. Good. (Nov 16)
This station really dominates this frequency. It was dominant in
western Venezuela three years ago and was dominant here in
1520.2 UNID 0837 Weak station w/ evangelical program //
the station on 1510 under HD2IOA. (Nov 15) HK notes that this
matches the format of Radio Minuto, Barranquilla which is on all
night as Radio Hosana. Does not necessarily explain the // 1510,
1530 ECUADOR Ondas Canaris 1250-1330 "Almas Gemelas"
program w/ mostly pasillos. Ad string incl Asamblea Nacional,
Agua Mineral Las Rocas, & Filanbanco, then nxcast "Emisora
Informativa" at 1306. IDs. (Nov 6)
1539.6 COLOMBIA Radio Condor, Manizales 1155-1158
Classical mx, ID "En Radio Condor, emisora universitaria de
Manizales, las 7 en punto." Very weak w/ het. Listed 1 kilowatt,
so one of my best catches in Ecuador. (Nov 16)
1540 BAHAMAS ZNS1 Nassau 0758 - 0806 Presumed w/ English
pop mx. No ID at top of hour. (Nov 15) 0830 Eng pops, presumed.
(Nov 17)
1550 ECUADOR Radio Montalvo, Ambato 0035 Presumed w/ anmt
about the Club Flores de Ambato, among others. Poor. (Nov 7)
2245-2308 Very rustic folk mx, TC and anmts at 2255, YL ID, then
into pgm "Avisos y Comunicados" using the Inti Illimani song
"Mercado Testaccio" as background. Then comunicados to various
nearby places. Fair. (Nov 9)
1560 COLOMBIA Antena Dos, Tulua 2306-2311 Antena Dos ID,
ad for store in Tulua, into ranchera. Fair. (Oct 30) 2317-2322
Ballad, net ID. (Oct 31) 0030 Complete ID w/ call and city, ads.
Fair. (Nov 7) 1152-1155 Trop mx, ID "Antena Dos, en cada cancion
mas alegria." Good. (Nov 16) 1239-1243 Trop mx & ID "Una
fiesta para todos en Antena Dos." (Nov 16) Site presumed except
for one log where local ID was noted.
1570.3 COLOMBIA Radio Sensacion, Manizales 0155-0203
Romantic mx. Ad w/ mention of Manizales. Then anmts incl two IDs
giving both call and frequency. Into ranchera mx. Fair. (Nov
1580 COLOMBIA Radio Robledo/RCN, Cartago 0015-0027 RCN nx.
Local ID at 0025. QRM from classical mx stn. (Nov 7)
1590 COLOMBIA Emisora Nuevo Continente, Envigado 0320-0322
Sp pops, time check, ID. Fair & on top. (Oct 30) 1002-1004
Promo anmt for Christian program, ID: "Desde Envigado, Antioquia,
trasmite Emisora Nuevo Continente, HJIP, 1590 kilohertz. Emisora
Nuevo Continente, la alternativa diferente." Fair and on top.(Nov
1600 ECUADOR Radio Intinan, Giron - This nearby station
not heard in several daytime checks, although 1580 station from
same town hrd consistently. Assume inactive.
1600.3/3200.6 ECUADOR Ondas del Caluma, Caluma - Thanks to
Henrik Klemetz for pointing out correct ID of this one, which I
had originally IDed as "Ondas del Salinas" due to distortion.
Careful listening to my tapes (which I did not listen to in
Ecuador) confirms the Ondas del Caluma IDs, as well as a mention
of the "provincia de Bolivar" where the station is located. The
logs, heard simultaneously on MW and the second harmonic: 0007-
0021 Fair w/ ads incl one for Transportes Caluma, pop ballads,
anmts, IDs. Program name was "Alma Enamorada" - "Estamos en el
program 'Alma Enamorada', el programa exclusivo para recordar los
momentos de vivir lleno de mucha alegria." 0040-0058 w/ ID. Heard
with better signal on fundamental of 1600.3 (Nov 3) 1125-1145
Ecuadorian folk mx, time checks 5 minutes fast, ads for Asamblea
Nacional elections. Fair despite ute QRM, but some overmodulation
distortion. Community anmts at 1143. Today, 1600.3 weaker than
3200.6. (Nov 18) Station noted other times in passing, but only
logged these two days.
1685 COLOMBIA MER Aero beacon 0113 Continuous CW IDs.
Good. (Nov 8)
1700 USAWCMQ, Miami 0824-0831 Mix of Cuban mx and Lam
romantic mx. OM/YL ancr at 0828 w/ "la nueva CMQ" ID, mention of
Miami. Fair signal, but T-storm static made understanding voices
difficult. (Nov 15) 0640 Spanish pops, fair. (Nov 17)
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By Don Moore
530 ECUADOR Radio Iris, Quito 1127-1129 Ecuadorian nx read
by YL. ID, into ad. Fair. (Nov 11) 0641-0646 Spanish pops, Exc
signal. Presumed. (Nov 17)
PERU Radio Inca del Peru, Lima 0318-0331 Folk mx. ID:
"Viva el folclor en Inca 5-40 AM. Somos Peru!" (Brief musical
interlude.) "Amigo empresario, comerciante ??? aumentar sus
ventas. ??? su producto ??? conocido en todo el pais? Esta es
oportunidad. Anuncie en Inca 5-40 AM, nosotros, y ??? el exito de
sus ventas. Porque cada dia mas oyentes nos escuchan en todo el
Peru porque nuestras tarifas son las mas comodas y adecuadas y
porque nuestra programmacion es la mejor en el dial.Anuncie en
Inca 5-40 AM..." Other ID: "Los domingos son mas espectaculares
con Inca 5-40 AM, cobertura nacional." Into more folk. Fair and
on top of frequency. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Reloj, Quito - Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
PERU Radio Programas del Peru, city? 0325-0350 News, ID:
"En Huancayo, estamos en los 1140 AM y 89.7 FM. Radio Programas,
todo el Peru, a la vez." Into pgm "La Semana," a review of the
past week's news. Fair, mixing with Radio Nacional de Colombia.
(Nov 10) 0642 Nx & ID, into sports. Exc. (Nov 17) This outlet
not listed in 1998 WRTH, but the strongest Radio Programas
frequency in both Cuenca and Quito. Certainly more than 10 kW.
Henrik Klemetz notes that per Pedro Arrunategui in Lima, this was
located in Jaen, but has since moved to 580 kHz.
UNID Strong open carrier at 0330. Suspect CRE. (Nov 10)
CUBA Radio Reloj, Pilon 0646 Usual format of nx, ID, &
time pips. Poor w/ even weaker English stn (probably US)
underneath. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio El Sol, Quito - not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Uno, Guayaquil. 1103-1105 Romantic mx. ID -
Woman: "Su buen gusto musical, compartelo con el.326-519. Somos
Radio Uno" then man: "Llamenos o escribanos a la casilla 2119,
Guayaquil." Then time check, more music. Exc. (Nov 14)
ECUADOR Radio Carrousel, Quito - Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
2355-0010 International & national nx, ending w/ "Happy
Birthday" song for one of the staff. ID "Hasta aqui llego,
Noticias Carrousel, informacion de primera mano ofrecida por
especialistas. Noticias Carrousel, rapidez y capacidad para
informarle en cualquier momento. ??? y profesionalismo
probado...." TC sponsored by Avena Quaker. Ad for agricultural
machinery store. Program intro "Esta comprobado. Cadena Radial
Carrousel es la unica estacion radial que mantiene su tradicion
musical." Then into program "Carrousel Romantico" with romantic
mx, "un acto de fe, de amor, y carino a la capital." (Nov 18-
ECUADOR Radio Nacional Guayaquil 0155-0202 Lite mx, ID,
into educational pgm "Caminando Juntos." (Nov 11)
ECUADOR Radio Nacional del Ecuador, Loja 2050-2132
Tropical mx. Singing ID at 2102 "Radio Nacional del Ecuador, por
un pais mejor," then more trop mx. Fair. (Nov 8)
UNID 0702 briefly on top w/ English USA nx. Possibly
Jamaica, but it sounded like a USA station. Quickly faded u/
Colmundo (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Nacional, Quito 1142 -1149 Nx, ID. Mixing w/
Radio Morena. Fair. (Oct 31) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Carrousel, Guayaquil 1204 ID as "Cadena
Radial Carrousel" then into nx to theme of "El Pueblo Unido,
Jamas Sera Vencido", the old revolutionary tune by Quilapayun.
Good. (Nov 8) 1132-1135 ID in anmt about emergencies: "En tiempo
de emergencia, La Cadena Radial Carrousel promueve la accion
solidaria y la ayuda mutual. Informese con nosotros." Ad for
EMETEL. (Nov 14)
PANAMA RPC Radio, Bocas del Toro 0953-0955 Tough copy with
heavy QRM. String of ID and program promotion announcements: "...
RPC, el ??? de la juventud por un mejor futuro por Panama..." and
"...somos la red emisoras ????? del pais, somos la RPC, Panama."
Also slogan "... en la emisora de la verdad." (Nov 7) Listed as 1
kW, which is quite a catch. UNID carrier on 6605 at 1204 (Nov
ECUADOR Radio Jesus del Gran Poder 1150-1151 Net ID at
tune-in: "Radio San Francisco en la gran cadena Franciscana del
Ecuador." Fair. (Oct 31) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
USA Unid 0708-0712 fade up w/ English talk show. I logged
WPTF here in Venezuela in 1995. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR HCJB, Pifo 0354 Presumed w/ strong signal, relg.
pgm. (Nov 10) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Sucre, Guayaquil 1155-1204 Nx pgm, no IDs.
//1080 kHz (see below). At 1202 played the time anmt from HD2IOA,
the Ecuadorian time stn. Exc (Nov 14) 0712-0715 Local nx &
ID. Good mixing w/ above. (Nov 17)
PANAMA UNID 0333 Station w/ ads mentioning Colon and
Panamenos. Poor, mixing w/ QRM. WRTH lists two possibilities.
(Nov 1)
ECUADOR La Voz de Portoviejo 0325-0331 Presumed w/ anmt of
"la hora en Manabi" then agricultural info. Fair. (Nov 1)
ECUADOR Radio Municipal, Quito - not on at 1432 (Nov 16)
Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
JAMAICA Radio Jamaica. 0635-0638 Presumed the one w/
English interview of a man with a Jamaican accent. Faded up
briefly under Quindio. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Guayaquil 1127-1132 Ad string, ID "Noticias,
musica, deportes. Todo esto y mas en el mismo punto de su dial.
Radio Guayaquil, siempre junto a ti." Fair. (Oct 31) 1131-1132
Ad, ID "Esta es su noticiero Expresion' con todo el acontecer
nacional y internacional atraves de Cadena Radial Guayaquil, 730
kilociclos." Into nx. Exc. (Nov 14)
PERU Radio Programas del Peru, Lima 0356 Ads // 550
kHz.Poor and under Guayaquil. (Nov 10) 0629-0632 ID w/flutes,
into nx. Fair, but lots of QRM. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Caravana, Guayaquil 1204 Noted in passing,
no ID (Nov 14)
VENEZUELA Radio Caracas Radio 0926-0929 Presumed w/
Venezuelan nx u/ Caracol stn. (Nov 7)
ECUADOR Radio Quito 1205-1206 Nx, ID // 4920 SW. Poor.
(Oct 31) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17)
770 COLOMBIA RCN, Bogota 0315 Exc w/ futbol. Presumed.
(Oct 30) 0810-0812 Surprised to hear Glenn Hauser's voice w/
Spanish DX nx here, and on other RCN channels when checked.
Reason is RCN carries Radio Netherlands Spanish in late night and
this was the Spanish DX program "Radio Enlace" with his monthly
feature.(Nov 17) Henrik Klemetz notes that Hauser is not usually
hrd on RCN, although the Radio Enlace program is, but this report
with mention of him and of Ecos del Torbes 50th anniversay was an
ECUADOR Radio Telegrafo 1135-1137 phoned-in nx rpt from
Quito w/ ID. Exc. (Nov 14)
ECUADOR Radio Noticia, Quito - not on at 1432 (Nov 16) Not
on at 0650 (Nov 17)
VENEZUELA Ecos del Torbes, San Cristobal 0200 Complete ID
noted u/ heavy QRM. Poor. (Oct 31)
PANAMA Southern Command Network 0315-0321 English AFRTS-
type public service anmts then Country mx. Presumed. Very poor.
(Nov 1) 0621-0623 Presumed w/ English AFRTS type pgm w/ anmts
about safe driving and U.S. Savings Bonds. (Nov 17)
PERU Radio Programas del Peru, Trujillo 0406-0408 Weak, //
550 with nx. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Super K, Guayaquil 0919-0924 Romantic mx, ID w/
pgm promo. Fair, but lots of QRM. (Nov 7) 1152-1153 in mIDst of
ID at tune-in: "... Super K 800 y la Cadena Carrousel enfocaran
la noticia en una manera variada y distinta, pero siempre
objetiva. Quedese con los mejores, Carrousel y Super K, Super K y
Carrousel, primeros en noticias." Then into program "El Fuego
Cruzado," which from the into mx sounded religious, but went
looking for other IDs. (Nov 14)
ECUADOR Radio Sensacion 800, Quito - not on at 0650 (Nov
ECUADOR Radio La Voz de Ingapirca, Cañar 1240-1301
Folk mx, ID in Quichua w/ frequency. Station not very obvious w/
Quichua pronounciation. Election anmts. Short prayer at 1249.
Into BBC Sp nx at 1300. Exc. (Oct 30)
UNID#2 0618-0620 Station w/ Peruvian flutes, ID as "8-20
AM" then into religious pgm. Faded up briefly over Caracol, but
still well under open carrier. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Huancavilca, Guayaquil 1852-1857 Folk mx,
ID. Exc.. (Nov 13)
ECUADOR Unidentified OCT 30 1232 Poor w/ ads for Papeleria
Monterrey, Farmacia San Carlos. Prices in Sucres. Into Ecuadorian
nx. Believe Radio Vigia. (Oct 30)
ECUADOR Radio Vigia, Quito - Not on at 1432 (Nov 16) Not
on at 0650 (Nov 17) 2110-2127 Some great pop selections. Anmt at
2117 telling people to be sure they have licensed their vehicles
(the station is owned by the National Police, after all!). YL
voice-over ID in mid-song at 0425. Exc. (Nov 18)
850 COLOMBIA R@dionet, Bogota 0305-0311 Nx, Cerveza Aguila
ad, promo/ID: "El futbol colombiano esta en R@dionet." Good. (Nov
1) Nx // 700. Exc. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio San Francisco, Guayaquil 1125-1130 Pasillos,
ID "Por su grata compania... por su orientacion de fe y servicio
a la comunidad... por su musica excelente... Radio San Francisco
es la seleccion pefecta." Into nx pgm. Ancr noted that the nx
director was Padre Arturo Vasquez. (Nov 14)
VENEZUELA Radio Mundial, San Cristobal 0411-0416 Pops. ID"
"Radio Mundial, dando la hora. Doce y trece minutos, hora
mundial." Fair and dominant on frequency. (Nov 10) 0609-0613
Spanish pops, ID. Fair. (Nov 17)
PERU Radio Programas del Peru, Chiclayo 0207 Radio
Programas del Peru ID & nx under heavy QRM. (Oct 31) 0408 Nx
// 550. Good, clear signal. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Catolica Nacional, Quito - not on at 1432.
(Nov 16) Not on at 0650 (Nov 17) This stn is on the air, however,
as I visited their offices while in Quito.
ECUADOR Radio Carrousel, Cuenca 0512 - not on (Nov 1)
1456-1510 Pop mx, IDs: "Quedese con nosotros. ??????? mensajes en
Carrousel, la radio" and "En el austro ecuatoriano, una sola voz
musical, Cadena Radial Carrousel 900. 831-440, 843-554."
Distorted audio. (Nov 5) 1214-1217 w/ Asamblea Nacional candidate
ads, ID: "Solicite su cancion favorita 83-14-40, de AM 900,
Carrousel," into "El Condor Pasa." Exc. (Nov 8) Not on at 0205
(Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Chone, Chone 1147-1158 Presumed w/ election
anmts for Provincia de Manabi, then into dramatic reading of a
long poem about the sea. (Nov 8)
ECUADOR Radio Sucre Quito 0652 Presumed w/ Ecuadoran nx,
Exc local signal. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Colon, Guayaquil 1859-1901 End of "Colon
Deportivo" program. ID: "... a traves del punto 9-10 de su Radio
Colon, el sonido mas puro de la radio." Also, "Colon Deportivo,
escuchenos de lunes a viernes en el punto brillante de Sistema
Radial Colon, el sonido puro de la radio." and "Colon y
Guayaquil. Multiples facetas de una ciudad portena." Exc. (Nov
13) 1998 WRTH lists ID as Radio Espectaculo.
ECUADOR Radio Colon, Quito - Not on at 1432 (Nov 16) Open
carrier at 0718 (Nov 17)
PERU Radio Programas del Peru, Piura 0409 Nx, // 550, 870.
Fair with minimal QRM. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Ondas Antillanas, Guayaquil 1100 Open carrier only
(Nov 14) Noted in passing at 1204, no ID (Nov 14)
PANAMA CMQ, La Chorrea 0721-0725 IDs as "Tu Exitosa". Anmt
"La Gran Cadena Exitosa te saluda." Ad for product to push
"sexual energy" (take four pills half an hour before). Trop mx.
(Nov 17) Had this logged as unidentified, but Henrik Klemetz
notes that it is the Panamanian, in parallel to 740 kHz.
COLOMBIA RCN Cucuta 0718-0721 Net nx // 770 mixing w/
Radio Calima. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Dif. Casa de la Cultura, Quito - Not on at
1432 (Nov 16)
ECUADOR Radio Latina, Guayaquil 1100-1103 Presuemd w/ s/on
of "Buenos Dias, America" pgm from Grupo Radial Delgado. This pgm
is produced live in New York City and relayed daily (Monday to
Friday) by several Ecuadorian stations (as I learned at La Voz
del Rio Tarqui, another station that carries it). The program is
aimed a Ecuadorians with family in the NYC area. Rather amusing
sitting in tropical Guayaquil and hearing them describe the
snowstorm and temperture in NYC. I doubt it does much to
encourage visits to NYC! Exc. (Nov 14)
ECUADOR Sononda Internacional, Cuenca 2348-0025 Folk mx,
comunicados, ads incl ETAPA, a ferreteria, CEMACO, Almacenese
Mairita, Sonido Estelar Discomovil, & a brand of aguardiente.
Local death anmts. Time check at 0011. Exc. (Oct 28) Open carrier
only at 0512 (Nov 1) 1556-1610 Pasillos. TC at top of hour. Said
"musica ecuatoriana" would continue to noon (1700 UTC). Anmt
about military parade that was to happen later in the morning. Ad
for a concert, Almacenes Mairita, Farmacia Ecuador, Tecnifrio
Central (refrigerator repair place). Program name "Ecuador
Canta." Greetings to listeners who have phoned in. Good. (Nov 3)
1212 ID "Radio Sononda guiando nuestra gente por el sendero de la
paz." Concert ad, request of phone calls, into Spanish pops. (Nov
8) 1857-1904 Trop mx, ID: "Aqui estamos con musica alegre en esta
tarde para ustedes, amigos oyentes de Radio Sononda, 960" then ad
for "Lolita" furniture and electrical appliance store. Exc. (Nov
8). Noted on in passing at 0205. At 0417, carrier only. (Nov 10)
I stopped by the very rundown downtown offices of this station. I
was received with open arms by the manager, but station had no
stickers or anything. It is owned by the local campesinos union.
Studios and transmitters are at a mountain village overlooking
Cuenca. The secretary had a constant line of peasants buying
comunicados to air on the station. Note: The station name is one
word, "Sononda", not two words, as listed in the WRTH. It is
clearly spoken as one word, plus the station sign (which I have
on video) spells it as one word. Perhaps when the station was
founded the name was originally two words, but if so it has
clearly blended into one word. (Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for his
words on this issue as well.)
ECUADOR Radio Catolica Nacional, Guayaquil 1142-1144 ID,
pgm antms, into nx. Exc. (Nov 14)
COLOMBIA Caracol Colombia, Cucuta 0728-0730 Caracol IDs
& nx u/ RCN. (Nov 17) Tnx Henrik Klemetz for confirmation on
ECUADOR Radio America, Cuenca 1755-1810 Romantic mx, time
checks, Ad for Doctor Edwin Larrea Hidalgo, Muebleria Ochoa.
Anmts about upcoming holiday events. "Esta es America" ID then
pasillos. Exc. (Oct 29) Not on at 0512 (Nov 1) 1327-1335 Folk mx,
ID: "... en la sintonia de Radio America" and slogan "...con mas
musica popular ecuatoriana atraves de su radio," then ad for an
optometry clinic. Exc. (Nov 8) Carrier only at 2308 (Nov 9) Not
on at 0205 (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Tarqui, Quito 1423-1431 Tarqui Deportes
program w/ promo for coverage of upcoming futbol game then live
interview from Uruguay. Exc. (Nov 16) Not listed in 1998 WRTH.
COLOMBIA Radio Reloj 0210 Anmt "Aqui en Barranquilla" then
into local Barranquilla nx w/ mention of Caracol. Poor. (Nov
COLOMBIA La Voz de Galeras, Pasto 0207 Briefly on top w/
"Todelar esta en todos partes" anmt. (Nov 1) Only Todelar station
here per Henrik Klemetz.
ECUADOR Radio Amiga, Guayaquil 1858-1859 Church anmts, ID
"Radio Amiga, la autentica senal de Dios." Exc. (Nov 13)
ECUADOR Radio Vision, Cuenca - Not on at 0512 (Nov 1) Not
on at 1922 and 2007. (Nov 8) Not on at 2308 (Nov 9) Not on at
0205 (Nov 10) Not on at 1114 (Nov 11) I see this station is no
longer listed in the 1998 WRTH, so assumedly it is truly off the
ECUADOR UNID 0220-0228 Presumed an Ecuadorian w/ pasillos.
Gave ID, but too weak at that point to understand. (Nov 1)
ECUADOR Radio Punto, Guayaquil 1912-1916 Ad, IDs: "La
musica mas divertida, mas bonita, aqui atraves de Radio Punto
1030" and "Musica alegre y musica divertida aqui en
‘Tropicalisima’ atraves de Radio Punto, 1030 AM." Exc (Nov 13) HK
suggests that program name is more likely Tropicalisimas (with
‘s’ at end), but clearly no ‘s’ on tape. Possibly the ancr simply
dropped the final sound in speaking.
ECUADOR Radio Splendid, Cuenca 0224-0310 Program "Solo
para Amantes" with romantic vocal mx, ID: "El amor, recuerdos, y
los sentimientos es una combinacion perfecta que forma parte de
Splendid y Solo para Amantes."Ad string, incl Duragas, La
Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito La Merced, and La Europea. Ads
included one in Quichua, which really surprised me for this
station. Romantic record dedications. Ancr once had telephone
ringing in background, which surprised me for this otherwise very
professional station. A YL listener visiting in the studio read
one of her short love poems. Promo for Splendid's coverage of
Ecuadorian futbol seemed out of place on this pgm which must have
a mostly female audience. "Las noticias de la hora" at 0300. Exc.
(Oct 29) 0512 Noted on in passing (Nov 1) 1556-1610 Spanish
version of old Turtles song "Happy Together" then DJ chatter w/
ID in passing and into "Las noticias de la hora.Desde la sala de
prensa de Radio Splendid, presentamos las informaciones del
momento..." Into nx. Exc. Various ads incl Mutualista Azuay
(loans) and Duragas. (Nov 5) 1214-1217 Nx w/ promo anmt:
"Credibilidad es el principio de Splendid que nos permite ser
lideres en informacion." Exc (Nov 8) Not on at 0205 (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Super Radio, Guayaquil Not on at 1138 or 1204 (Nov
ECUADOR LV del Tomebamba, Cuenca 1855-1910 w/ sports, esp
national basketball nx. Ads for Castrol Ultramax, Tabletas Alfin,
Commercial Automotriz del Austro, Almacen Pidia on Sangurima
street, and Transportes Espinoza (40 years of experience). Exc.
(Oct 29) Not on at 0512 (Nov 1) 1219-1227 w/ nx pgm, slogan: "La
Voz del Tomebamba, informacion total." Exc. (Nov 8) Noted on in
passing at 0205, but off at 0428. (Nov 10)
COLOMBIA RCN 0502 RCN, La Dorada nx // 770. Very weak.
(Nov 10) Tnx HK for confirmation of location.
ECUADOR Unid, Guayaquil 1155-1204 Stn w/ nx // 700 kHz.
Presumedly Radio Tigre, listed on 1070 but now moved up 10 kHz.
(Nov 14) 1998 WRTH lists Tigre on 1070 but not this.
1100 COLOMBIA Caracol Bogota 0250-0253 Good & on top
w/ ID and // 810 kHz. (Nov 10) HK notes this not usually // 810
ECUADOR Radio Alegria, Guayaquil Not on at 1138 or 1204.
(Nov 14)
UNID Strong open carrier at 0743. No Quito stn listed.
(Nov 17)
ECUADOR Ondas Azuayas, Cuenca 1655-1710 Trop mx, anmt "...
Ondas Azuayas, por la ciudad mas linda del Ecuador..." (Oct 29)
0512 - not on (Nov 1) 1911-1917 Beginning of pgrm "Mujeres en la
Radio" with very classy intro anmt: "Mujeres en la politica.
Mujeres en la casa. Mujeres en la universidad. Mujeres en la
calle. Mujeres en la corte. Mujeres en el cine. Mujeres en el
banco. Mujeres en el campo. Mujeres en la radio ... Ondas Azuayas
y el Grupo de Apoyo al Movimiento de Mujeres en el Azuay presenta
Mujeres en la Radio." Went on to say pgm presented with
assistance of the Dutch embassy, so I assume a Radio Netherlands
production, although they were not mentioned. Exc. (Nov 8) Noted
on in passing at 0210 (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio America, Guayaquil 1208-1211 Nx and pgm ID
of "Sucesos 11-20". No stn ID. Exc. (Nov 14)
UNID Strong open carrier at 0744, stronger than either
1100 or 1110. No local stn on this frequency. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Alfa Musical, Cuenca 1755-1810 Trop mx, anmt
for the Feria to be held on the grounds of the Escuela Cesar
Davila. Exc. (Oct 29) 0512 - noted on in passing (Nov 1) Not
noted on at 0510 (Nov 10) 1155-1202 Nx, ID "La mejor informacion
atraves de Radio Alfa de Cuenca, periodismo por la vida." Exc.
(Nov 11)
ECUADOR La Voz del Pueblo, Azogues 1211-1230 Local &
national nx w/ "Magnificent Seven" movie theme played a lot as
bridges and behind items. Mentions of Canar, but no ID. Good.
(Oct 31) 0453-0510 w/ OM/YL ancrs ending program "Austral" and ID
as "La 1160, La Voz del Pueblo, desde Azogues, AM estereo
digital." Ad for Panaderia y Pasteleria Superior. Pasillos. Good.
(Nov 1) 2314-2316 Pgm of Mexican mx "La Hora (Garibaldi?)" w/
anmt "...en este tarde ofreciendoles lo mejor de la musica
mexicana para ustedes. Siempre estan con nosotros en nuestra
compania de esta, su estaction." "... Todo lo mejor de la musica
mexicana y esto es La Hora Garibaldi, en esta tarde, una hora
para ustedes, una hora de musica mexicana." Good. (Nov 9) Not in
1998 WRTH.
COLOMBIA Unid RCN 0150 end of BBC Sp nx, RCN de Bogota ID.
Poor (Nov 1) 0245-0250 RCN nx, // 770 kHz. Fair & on top.
Apparently either RCN Tulua or La Voz de Guaviare. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Filadelfia, Guayaquil Noted on in passing at
1204, no ID (Nov 14)
COLOMBIA RCN, Ibague 0447-0452 Nx // 770 kHz. Fair, mixing
w/ QRM. Site presumed. (Nov 1)
ECUADOR Radio Cuenca 0512 - not on (Nov 1) 1656
"Sentimiento Andino" folk mx pgm w/ anmts about fiesta de Cuenca.
Exc but overmodulated. (Nov 2) 1958 Long ad string, ID with time
and then jingle ID: "Que tal, que tal. Que tal, que tal. La
musica ... en Radio Cuenca." Exc. (Nov 8) Not on at 0510 (Nov
COLOMBIA Radio Mira 0200 Caracol ID noted u/ a pasillos
stn. Not above stn. Poor. (Nov 1) Tnx HK for pointing to Radio
Mira here.
ECUADOR Radio Excelsior Guayaquil 1115-1117 ID "Tus
artistas favoritas, la musica del momento, y el sonido perfecto
de la ???, Estudio 11-90 AM, para compartir contigo" with pop mx
background. Then second ID "Las verdaderas joyas de nuestra
musica, las escucha a esta hora por Radio Estudio 11-90 AM" then
into pasillos w/ voice-over ID as "Estudio 11-90". Good. No Radio
Excelsior IDs hrd, but this is what is listed in WRTH 1998. (Nov
ECUADOR Radio El Mundo, Guayaquil Not on at 1100, open
carrier noted at 1103 recheck. 1109-1112 National anthem in
progress at tune-in then sounds of switching audio as operator
tried to find the right tape. Finally into pgm anmt: "Radio El
Mundo en los 1210 kilociclos presenta a nivel nacional, Ecuador y
su Musica' ... lindos temas ???interpretes del pasillo, el vals,
del pentagrama nacional en el control master, Julio Andrades ???,
bienvenidos al sentimiento nacional." Into pasillos. Exc. (Nov
COLOMBIA RCN 0756 ID in jumble. Two possibilities. (Nov
ECUADOR Estacion Intercontinental, Guayaquil 1208-1211
Intro to nx program: "HC2FV, Estacion Intercontinental presenta
Sucesos 11-20,' una nueva edicion de periodismo hablado con
independencia, patriotismo, imparcialidad, objectividad, libertad
de expresion, veracidad. Sucesos 11-20.' Este es el enfoque
directo hacia los personajes que hicieron noticia en el
transcurso de las ultimas horas. Sucesos 11-20,' con las mas
importantes informaciones del Ecuador y el mundo. Ya con ustedes,
Sucesos 11-20.'" Exc. (Nov 14) Not in 1998 WRTH.
ECUADOR Radio Dif. Maranon, Quito - Not on at 1255 (Nov
16) Not on at 1432 (Nov 16)
ECUADOR Radio Popular, Cuenca 0512 - noted on in passing
(Nov 1) Not on at 0510 (Nov 10) 0122-0152 Very long ad string,
ID: "Sintonia... Simpatia... en Popular de Cuenca." Pasillos.
Other ID: "Nuestas comunidades, ???, parroquias y cantones
escuchan la consentida del pueblo ecuatoriano, Radio Popular."
(Nov 11)
ECUADOR Radio Galactica, Guayaquil Noted on in passing at
1204. No ID (Nov 14)
1240 COLOMBIA RCN Armenia 0215 Discussion on Colombian
politics, // 770 kHz. Good and on top. (Nov 10) 0808 Nx // 770.
(Nov 17)
UNID 0222-0225 Trop mx weak and under RCN station.
Apparent ID: "La alegria ??? es por Antena Popular." (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Metropolitana, Quito - Not on at 1255 (Nov
COLOMBIA UNID 0255-0257 Briefly on top with talk about the
Iglesia Catolica de Colombia. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Linda, Guayaquil 1158-1202 Presumed the one
w/ "Exitos del Oro" pgm of romantic mx. No ID at hour, just pgm
promo. Exc. (Nov 14)
COLOMBIA Unid 1002 Weak w/ mention of Caracol network in
passing, but not // 810. Local ID, but not clear. Possibly Radio
Deportes, which is a Caracol station? (Nov 8) ECUADOR XG Radio,
Cuenca 0512 - not on (Nov 1) Open carrier only at 1922 (Nov 8).
Not on at 0210 (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Universal, Guayaquil 1903-1906 Pasillos, ID
"Esta en sintonia de Radio Universal de Guayaquil." Exc. (Nov 13)
Noted in passing at 1204 (Nov 14)
COLOMBIA Caracol, Pasto? 0931 Caracol nx and net ID // 810
under RCN station. (Nov 8) 0812-0813 Nx, ad, net ID. Good. (Nov
ECUADOR Radio Cenit, Guayaquil Not on at 1204 (Nov 14)
ECUADOR T.V.O., Biblian 2353-0002 Ranchera mx, long ad
string. Slogan "El Poder Magico de la Fe". S/off anmt
"Distinguidos amigos, distinguidas amigas oyentes ... de
Radiodifusora T.V.O., de la ciudad de Biblian en la provincia del
Canar, Republica del Ecuador, tengan todos ustedes, muy buenas
noches..." Off early tonight. (Oct 30-31) 1220-1230 Ads, incl
Banco del Progreso & greetings to listeners in Biblian. (Oct
31) 1115-1120 Ad, folk mx, ID as "Radio TVO" (Nov 11)
ECUADOR Radio Sideral, Quito 1243-1246 Program "Asi Canta
Ecuador" w/ greetings to listeners, into pasillos. No ID, so
presumed. Exc but overmodulated. (Nov 16) 0817 Exc signal w/
Ecuadorian folk mx. (Nov 17)
Unid RCN 0140 "RCN, la radio de Colombia" ID amIDst a
jumble of 4-5 stations. Several possibilities. (Nov 8)
COLOMBIA, Radio Melodia, Cali 1058-1059 Anthem in progress
at tune-in, then s/on ID: "Aqui Santiago de Cali, la bella
capital del Valle...En el aire, Melodia Cali, transmitiendo en
1350 kilociclos con diez mil vatios de potencia. Melodia, otra
gran estacion de la Cadena Melodia, la cadena lider de Colombia."
Also "Melodia, la radio lider, desea a todos los colombianos una
navidad alegre en Cristo, como marca de ??? por un mundo mejor"
at 1110 recheck. (Nov 8)
ECUADOR Radio Reloj Guayaquil. Noted in passing w/ highly
distorted signal at 1204. No ID. (Nov 14) HK suspects that "marca
de" is probably inaccurate in the above statement, but that their
Christmas slogan was unusual.
ECUADOR RCQ/Radio Cristal 0028 w/ pasillos, two RCQ IDs,
plus anmt "Radio Cristal (garbled) en su mes de anniversario con
grandes expectativas." Fair. (Nov 1) 1208-1212 w/ end of a
pasillos pgm, ID, then into airport weather. Exc. (Nov 16) Exc w/
Ecuadorian folk mx. (Nov 17)
ECUADOR Radio Z-1, Guayaquil 1916-1922 Folk mx, election
ads, ID. Exc. (Nov 13)
PANAMA Radio Mensabe, Las Tablas 1014-1020 In mIDst of
national anthem at tune-in. Then canned s/on anmt: "Distinguida
radio audiencia, desde la ciudad de Las Tablas, una ??? nacional,
provincia de Los Santos, Republica de Panama, trasmite Radio
Mensabe en los 1410 kilohertz. La mas moderna emisora de amplitud
modulada. Iniciamos nuestros labores cotidianas con nuestros mas
claros propositos de informada, reflejada, orientada, y brindar
cultura a nuestros radioescucha. En este nuevo amanecer de
esperanza, Radio Mensabe difunde sus ondas hertzianas con la
bendicion de nuestra patria, de nuestro patrona ???ada ???, tu
eres nuestro refugio ??????. Muy buenas dias." Then several
strange Tarzan-like yells followed by live ancr w/ "Muy buenas
dias, Panama. Esta es la Radio Mensabe en la ciudad de Las
Tablas, provincia de Los Santos, Republica de Panama, inciandoles
la buena programacion para hoy, la 7 de noviembre." Went on to
give morning program schedule: "Amanecer con Christo" at 5:30,
unclear program name at 6:00, and then "Mananitas Panamenas" at
6:30 (times local). Occasional more Tarzan yells during anmt and
as the first tropical song started. Fair and on top. Quite
pleased with this catch. (Nov 7)
COLOMBIA Caracol 0507-0510 Two Caracol stns w/ nx // 810
but one slightly behind the other. Signals about equal in
strength. (Nov 10)
ECUADOR Radio Nuevos Exitos, Salcedo 1100 Presumed the one
w/ ad directed to "ganaderos de Cotopaxi" (their province). Into
folk mx. (Nov 7)
UNID 1300 Trop mx and unclear YL ID. (Nov 16)
UNID 2340-2350 Religious mx and anmts about Church
services. Fair & on top. (Oct 31)
ECUADOR Ecos del Cayambe 1155-1208 Folk mx, anmts
concerning the Provincia de Pichincha, Medicina Naturalista ad,
TC. At 1205, intro anmts for nx program "Ecos" using theme from
"Monty Python's Flying Circus." Ancr noted "con noticias del
Ecuador para Cayambe" then into pgm w/ OM ID "en sintonia de
Radio Cayambe." (Nov 7) 2238-2242 Presumed w/ trop mx & ad
for a restaurant in Cayambe. Fair. (Nov 9)
PERU CPN Radio, Lima 0900-0903 Nx, ID. Fair. (Nov 15)
UNID 0845-0855 English lang disco oldies. Suspect USA stn.
Weak. (Nov 15)
ECUADOR Radio Dinamica, Guayaquil 1205-1209 Ad for
Servividrios del Ecuador, a window and glass door company. Then
anmt "Atencion productores independientes. Si ustedes desean
realizar sus propios programas, consultenos, Radio Dinamica.
Telefono celular 09-5-31-2-25." (Exact translation: To all
independent producers. If you wish to produce your own programs,
get in touch with us.... Any pirates looking for an audience in
Guayaquil?) Exc. (Nov 14)
COLOMBIA Radio Mil 500 1007-1011 Presumed w/ anmts about
Cali and nearby Palmira. Fair. (Nov 7)
ECUADOR HD2IOA 0758 Strong & dominant w/ time pips.
Minor QRM underneath. (Nov 15) HK suggests that QRM could be
ECUADOR Radio Union Calvense, Cariamanga 1131-1140
Ecuadorian folk mx, possible IDs, but not 100 percent sure. Nx at
0110. Difficult due to hets and QRM. There alsoseemed to be
signals on 1509.8 and 1510.2 (Nov 11) 1159-1203 Fair w/ anmt
about broadcasting the mass from the Iglesia de Cayamar for
people who can't leave home to attend church. ID as Radio Union
and then into "Despertar Calvense" pgm. A few rooster crows
thrown in. Fair w/ some QRM from HD2IOA. (Nov 16)
ECUADOR Radio Mira, Mira 1135-1137 Canned ID as faded up
over Latacunga: "HCPV1, Radio Mira, 1540 kilohertz.Trasmitimos
desde la ciudad de Mira." Then into pgm "??? musicales" as faded
back down into jumble. (Nov 8)
ECUADOR O.R.C. Latacunga 1128-1134 Presumed the one w/
several Latacunga ads. Poor and mixing with other Ecuadorian
stations. (Nov 8)
ECUADOR Radio Caracol, Quito - Not on at 1253 (Nov 16)
ECUADOR Ecos del Portete, Portete 2025-2028 Presumed w/
ads mentioning Giron. (Nov 8) 2117 Folk mx, ID and time check, ad
string incl one for a taller mecanico. Back to folk mx. (Nov
ECUADOR Radio Mensaje, Tabacundo 2253 Fair w/ pasillos,
time check "en Mensaje". (Oct 30)
USA Unid 0831-0833 Station noted briefly w/ US talk show
format, OM in English giving phone numbers. Very poor amid heavy
QRM. (Nov 15) 0822 English talk, quick fade. (Nov 17)
Association of North American Radio Clubs
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