The following item was written by Hirotsugu Nabeshima and is taken from Edition #5 (1992) of LA DXing (pages 66-67), as published by
Radio Nuevo Mundo It is placed here with permission.
In Cusco, there are some SW radio stations whose signals have been getting to all over the world. The second inaugurated radio station in
Cusco, Radio Tawantinsuyo has been received on 4910 kHz and 6175 kHz.
The two storied station building is located at the main street Av. El Sol, some 15 minute walking from "Plaza de Armas". On February 28, 1988 I visited the station. Being on Sunday, there were no station staff except announcer & operator. It is better to visit radio stations from Mondays
to Fridays. I visited again their studios on March 1, 1988 and this time I could talk with Sra. Hilda Ortega de Montesinos, Sub Gerente. She was not much surprised at an unexpected Japanese guest. I think that it was because some of my DX friends previously met her and some other foreign DX'ers also might have visited her. So it is no longer a surprise for her that foreign
listeners visit the station. She gave me a little information as
Radio Tawantinsuyo has e freqeuncies: 1190 kHz (OAX-7B 5 kW)
4910 kHz (OAX-7V 5 kW) and 6175 kHz (OAX-7C 5 kW). All the transmitters
were fabricated in Peru. The antenna of MW is a tower with 63 meters
high and that of SW is a dipole with 12 meters
high. The station was founded for the purpose of spreading Peruvian music, especially the folklore of the Cusco region. They
have a plan to install an FM transmitter in the future. Radio Tawantinsuyo was founded on October 30, 1948 and has been transmitting folklore and
criolla music as well as cultural, information and
sports programs, covering the Departments of Cusco,
Madre de Dios, Apurimac, Ayacucho, Puno as well as
the other southern part of Peru.
The fare for the public to participate in the program (US$ 1.00 = about Intis/100.00 as of March 1988) : 20 seconds= I/24.00, 30 seconds= I/36.00; 30 seconds or 60 words "aviso comercial" (advertisement) 10 advertisements daily for a month I/ 4680.00.
Don Raúl Montesinos was born in Cusco. He was educated in La Paz, Bolivia. He was an engineer by profession. In the
morning of that October 27, Montesinos walked toward his house, returning from the visit to his farm near Cusco. He had been thinking to have a radio station. He had an experience which he had obtained in Bolivia. The equipment was ready
for the transmission. But he did not have an authorized license which he had tried to obtain for many years. Getting to
his house, that day 27th,Montesinos saw two soldiers at the door. The soldiers told Montesinos that he obtained a long-waited broadcasting license. When they granted it to Montesinos, they told him immediately that he was provided with it on condition that he would support the military action by the radio. And the military forced him to install the transmitter in the military barracks.
License is license. Montesinos installed his equipment at once and began the transmssion three days later, on October 30, 1948, by the name of Radio Rural del Pera. The military administrated radio station continued only for several months. Later, Montesinos became free to make his new radio. It was Radio Tawantinsuyo. Radio Tawantinsuyo is a bilingual radio station (Spanish and Quechua), dedicated to the public "Campesinos" (Farmers). They broadcasted initially on 1190 kHz (OAX-7B) and 6175 kHz (OAX-7C), and later obtained 4910 kHz (OAX-7V).
Bibliography: "0-A-X Cronica de la Radio en el Perú (1925-1980) by Alonso Alegria/Radioprogramas Editores, Lima, Perú. 1988
Station Personnel as of March, 1988
Gerente General - Ing. Raúl Montesinos Espejo
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Radio History
Clandestine Radio
Radio Tawantinsuyo, Peru
The Birth of the Station
October 27, 1948 was a day of coup d'etat in Peru. The public heard a military march on the radio. They only waited for the statement of the military that would have power over the government.
Sub Gerente - Hilda Ortega de Montesinos
Contador - Raúl Pezo
Secretaria - Rocío Fernández
Discotecaria - Fanny Alvarez
Auxiliar de Secretaria - Dolores Romero
Locutores - César A. Fuentes, Ricardo Lazo
Operadores - Roger Montalvo, Liberato Anlo
Association of North American Radio Clubs
DXer of the Year for 1995.